MVSD held its first Consolidated Parent Advisory Committee (CPAC) meeting of the 2017-18 school year at Madrid Middle School, drawing a crowd of dedicated parents and family members eager to partner with the District and their schools in support of their children’s education.
MVSD’s Superintendent, Lillian Maldonado French and Board of Education President, Adam Carranza welcomed the family members and thanked them for partnering with the District.
“Welcome to the new school year. I’m so proud and happy to see you all here today because when we work together all things are possible,” said French. “We want the very best for our students-- your children, and working together is the best way to support their efforts and help them achieve their goals.”
The meeting’s focus was reading and school groups completed lessons with their site principal and community liaison, learning strategies for helping their child become a Super Reader.
“This year we are incorporating the book, Every Child a Super Reader in our library program and family engagement program,” said Angelica Sifuentes Donoso, Director of Family Engagement and After School Programs. “The book is centered on seven strengths that are characteristic in super readers including belonging, curiosity, friendship, kindness, confidence, courage and hope. These strengths help children access their own stories through connections to books they read or that are read to them. We encourage you all to read with your children and be a model super reader by letting them see you read both to learn and for pleasure.”
An overview of the Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) program that is in all 12 MVSD schools was also provided. Representatives from Day One, a community-based nonprofit organization providing high quality public health education got the crowd moving and reinforced the importance of wellness for students, families and the community. They encouraged everyone to take part in the upcoming Walk to School Day event on October 4.
The meeting concluded with a raffle where several lucky participants received prizes including books, reading resources, and reading tents…all items to create a cozy reading environment at home.
"While we know it is essential to teach students reading skills and knowledge, it is also important to develop their curiosity, compassion, courage, and other personal and social values,” said Sifuentes-Donoso. “The strategies in Every Child a Super Reader will not only develop your child’s reading and writing skills, but help them build their vocabulary, develop empathy and a larger understanding of the world.”
MVSD values the participation of its parents and families, and knows that by working together in partnership, the possibilities for our students is unlimited.