"Summer Round-Up" was the theme for Mountain View School District’s Extended School Year (ESY) summer program which provided a structured environment for learning and development for students. Through individualized instruction and small group work the ESY teachers and support staff provided essential services for students. In addition to their classroom instruction focusing on the foundational skills of reading and math, following the western summer round-up theme, students had fun learning line-dances during their physical education sessions held twice a week.
“The line dancing supports big motor movement and rhythm and helps build coordination,” said Linda Whitehead, Adaptive P.E. teacher. “It’s a great social activity that they can do away from school as well because many of the dances they learned are done at weddings and Quinceañeras. The students did a great job and really enjoyed the dances.”
A celebratory Summer Round-Up Party was held marking the conclusion of the program, where the preschool through 8th graders kicked up their heels at the Cowboy themed Round-Up to celebrate all they’ve learned this summer. Students had a great time participating in fun activities including panning for gold, horse noodle racing, the can toss, feed the pig toss, face painting and balloon making.
“I learned about cowboys and how to line dance,” said Bryant, a 5th grader. “The Round-Up party is fun and my favorite game is the can toss. I keep knocking them all down in one throw.”
Fatima, who will be entering the 9th grade in the fall, liked the face painting the most. She was happy to have a beautiful unicorn painted on her cheek.
“I like coming to the summer program. We work on a lot of stuff each day,” she said. “We did reading and math and talked about being kind and nice to everyone and learning the dances was really fun.”
The goal of the ESY program is to provide continuity in the students’ educational and social development by offering extended learning as well as important services during the summer break.
“Our extended school year program helps prevent summer learning loss and regression during the long summer break,” said Stacey DeKnikker, Program Specialist. “Our summer curriculum for school-aged students focused on reading comprehension and fundamental math skills and incorporated art and science as well and our preschoolers were engaged in learning activities that promoted positive social, cognitive, emotional and physical development.”