Mountain View School District’s Session II Summer Program concluded on August 6, after four weeks of instruction and enrichment provided by District teachers and staff from the Think Together after school program.
For the students taking part in the in-person summer program, MVSD teachers provided small group tutoring sessions focused on math, reading and writing and the Think Together team reinforced the students’ math and language arts skills and provided fun and engaging STEM and outdoor activities. Students in the Summer Virtual Tutoring Program participated in daily virtual small group sessions with MVSD teachers focused on academics and social emotional activities.
“The small group tutoring enabled us to provide more individualized instruction for the students to support their academics,” said Sylvia Galindo, teacher. “After being in distance learning last year, it was nice to be able to provide in-person instruction and support for our students and help them prepare for the upcoming school year.”
The general consensus among the 300 students in session II was that summer school rocks! Whether a first grader or seventh grader, they all were happy to be at school and learning with their friends.
“Everything about summer school is good!” exclaimed Celeste from La Primaria School.
“The activities are fun and the best thing about it is seeing my friends again,” added Victoria as she enjoyed a fun game of Simon Says with her classmates.
From journal writing, working on math facts, improving reading skills, tie-dying t-shirts, making ice cream to outdoor fun and games, and much more, MVSD’s summer programs provided outstanding opportunities for students. The District is looking forward to welcoming back all students for the 2021-2022 school year which starts August 19.