Dr. Raymond Andry, Mountain View School District’s Superintendent has assembled a group of excellent student leaders for his 2023-2024 Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC).
Dr. Andry recently welcomed the SSAC representatives to the District Office for their first of five meetings this school year. The dynamic group of young leaders is made up of 5th through 8th grade representatives from seven of the district’s schools who bring the students’ perspective on programs and events at their schools, as well as suggestions for improvements. A unique engagement and leadership opportunity for students, the SSAC enables them to engage in discussions with Dr. Andry, as well as one another to support the district’s vision, mission, goals, and core values and provide student input in areas that impact academic performance, learning environment, involvement in activities, and overall experience at MVSD schools.
“I have a tremendous group of young leaders who are engaging, inquisitive and respectful,” said Dr. Andry. “We spent our first meeting discussing their areas of interest, developing leadership skills, and we began working on what they feel are areas of strength, challenges, opportunities, and barriers at their current school. They have already shown how remarkable they are in their passion for representing their peers and being leaders and I am really looking forward to working with them this year.”
Dr. Andry created the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council last year because he wanted to include students’ voices in the District’s planning and programming.
“Our students are the reason we are all here and having their insight and input in areas that impact academic performance, learning environment, involvement in activities, and overall experience at our schools is very beneficial.”
Along with the many benefits the SSAC provides to the District, the student members also benefit from opportunities to practice leadership, creative thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making and they get to make new friends along the way.
“I’m excited to be on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council because I want to help in making decisions to improve my school,” said Valeria Veneros from Miramonte School.
Miranda De La Cruz, a seventh grader from Twin Lakes School wanted to be on the SSAC because she wants to have a voice in shaping the policies and decisions that affect her education.
“Being a part of this council will give me the opportunity to share my ideas, concerns and feedback with school district leaders and work together to make a positive impact on my school community.”
After a morning of sharing feedback, experiences, and perspectives on a variety of issues taking place in their schools, the students enjoyed a tour of the District Administration Building and lunch before heading back to their schools. The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council will meet four more times this school year, in December, February, April and June.