Virtual Back to School Nights Reinforce the
Importance of Home and School Partnerships
Schools throughout the Mountain View School District hosted Virtual Back to School Nights providing parents and families the opportunity to connect with school administrators and teachers, and learn about class expectations, scheduling, grading, curriculum, safety protocols, homework and much more. While the District was hoping to host the events in-person this school year, due to the pandemic it was decided to take the precaution to hold the events virtually for the safety of families and staff.
Held via Zoom, the Virtual Back to School Nights had great participation, providing helpful information as well as reinforcing the importance of the parent and school connection. Each school began with a general session, including a greeting and presentation from school administrators who focused on schoolwide safety, instructional and behavior expectations and the importance of establishing a solid parent-teacher partnership. Teachers followed up, hosting their own virtual sessions for parents and families focused on what takes place in their classrooms.
Janette Salce, a 2nd grade teacher at La Primaria Elementary reinforced the importance of attendance and participation during class to help reach grade level standards. Payne Elementary teacher Hannah Estes, shared how her 3rd grade students are engaged in reading, writing, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling and grammar each day, sharing samples of their assignments. Blanca Palencia, a 4th grade teacher at Twin Lakes School reviewed classroom rules including making good decisions, respecting yourself, respecting others and following the golden rule. The 7th grade team at Parkview School stressed the importance of students being active learners and participating in class, along with reading 30 plus minutes every night. Nancy Nagata Ha and Diana Rich, shared expectations for 7th and 8th graders in the Independent Study program. Head Start Preschool teacher, Patricia Acosta reviewed the Creative Curriculum used in the preschool classes which focuses on four main categories including social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language.
MVSD’s Board of Education members and District Administrators joined some of the sessions and were impressed with the presentations, participation and meaningful connections with families.
“It was wonderful to see so many families participate in our Virtual Back to School Nights,” said Dr. Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent. “Our administrators, teachers and support staff did a great job and shared essential information to help parents support their child and their learning. Our eight schools and preschool program are committed to providing safe learning environments, engaging classrooms and support and resources for each student to achieve their best. Education works best when students, parents and schools work together, and I appreciate everyone’s dedication as we continue to move MVSD forward.”