Mountain View School District is committed to supporting its students, staff, families and community with COVID-19 vaccination opportunities. The District appreciates the partnership of its health care partners, Harold Christian Health Center, Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, East Valley Health Center, Active SGV, Supervisor Hilda Solis and Albertsons Pharmacy for providing free COVID-19 vaccines and boosters for the MVSD community.
MVSD began hosting free COVID-19 vaccine clinics in April of 2021 and is continuing to organize clinics to be held at all school sites. Both after school clinics and Saturday clinics are offered, providing Pfizer first and second dose vaccines, as well as boosters.
"We are working with our health partners to continue to offer as many vaccine opportunities for our students, staff and families as we can," said Raymond Andry, Superintendent. "The vaccine is the best protection against COVID-19 and is the best way to keep our students, teachers, staff, and families safe."
The District is also continuing to provide voluntary COVID PCR testing for students and employees at the school sites with its testing partner, Shield T3. At-home test kits were made available to families and schools will continue distributing at home tests as needed.
“We knew our community would need support accessing the vaccines available,” said Priscilla Figueroa, Director of Family Engagement and Migrant Education. “We mobilized staff to help families register and navigate the vaccination process and through our clinics hundreds of residents, both adults and children, have been vaccinated.”
Several MVSD parents have expressed their appreciation for the support and access the District is providing, and for helping the students to get vaccinated.
“I’m very happy my family was able to get vaccinated at the clinics provided by the District,” said Maria Castillo, parent. “I’m very proud of my daughter Alondra who made the decision to keep herself healthy and safe at school by getting vaccinated.”
“I had a great experience with the vaccine and no side effects,” said Alondra. “I’m very happy I got it and can go to school because if you are absent you fall behind.”
As the pandemic continues to evolve, MVSD will continue to respond and adapt quickly with safety at the forefront.