Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 14 through 18, schools in the Mountain View School District held special dress up days and activities promoting kindness and encouraging inclusivity. The week-long event was created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation with the intention of encouraging more harmony and kindness between people by offering thoughtful gestures of kindness, no matter how big or small. MVSD’s school counselors were instrumental in coordinating the events for the week.
Spreading peace, love and kindness, Payne School’s students and staff dressed in tie-dye or hippie attire. Other dress up days for the week included wearing sunglasses because kindness is cool and wearing PJ’s because they dream of kindness. At Twin Lakes the Comets “Powered up for Kindness” by wearing superhero shirts and were crazy for kindness by wearing crazy hats.
The classroom doors at Miramonte School were decorated to inspire kindness and throughout the week the school hosted shout-out stations enabling students and staff to acknowledge their friends and colleagues. In a special act of kindness, the community group, I Heart El Monte visited Miramonte’s SDC classes and donated adult and child facemasks with hearts on them.
Students at Monte Vista School enjoyed special read aloud sessions focusing on kindness and the junior high leadership class developed a Valentine’s Day/Kindness service project that encompassed junior high students writing to the younger students on campus. Seven junior high classes took part, writing notes of encouragement and support to students in all 20 elementary classes. The junior high writers paid a surprise visit to each class to hand-deliver the beautifully decorated and written notes which were greatly appreciated by the elementary students and their teachers. The leadership class also created a kindness themed gallery walk in the junior high corridor with beautiful decorations and backdrops for students to walk through and take pictures.
Throughout MVSD, students are encouraged to be kind, respectful and responsible and learn positive character traits by participating in the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program.
An act of kindness, no matter how big or small makes a positive impact, so remember, in a world where you can be anything, be kind.