For the past 20 years, the Mountain View School District has encouraged El Monte and South El Monte children and families to continue to read during the summer through its free Summer Library program. The “Journey to Summer Learning” themed library program offered participants a chance to increase their reading and comprehension skills during the summer and enjoy the many books and resources available at the libraries. A well-loved summer tradition in the District, the library program drew hundreds of participants.
The libraries were overflowing with children engaging in many educational and fun activities. From reading books, making crafts, writing book reports, playing board games and educational computer games, and learning about nutrition, the summer library program provided a great way to continue learning while school was out.
“I’m really glad the library is open, said Jasmine a regular participant at Parkview School’s Library.
“I like to read but I really like the lessons we have on nutrition. They teach about protein, grains, fruits and healthy eating and we get to make and eat really good snacks.”
The weekly nutrition lessons included My Plate where participants learned about creating a plate with the 5 food groups (fruits, grains, vegetables, protein, dairy) and after hearing the story "The Fish Who Wished He Could Eat Fruit" the students made delicious fruit kabobs to eat. Breakfast for Brain Power was the focus of another lesson and reinforced why breakfast is the most important meal and offered healthy breakfast ideas like Strawberry Shortcake. Students had a great time making and eating the strawberry shortcake using strawberries, yogurt and graham crackers. The third nutrition lesson was Rethink Your Drink which focused on the importance of staying away from sugary drinks. Students learned to read nutrition labels for sugar content and enjoyed some delicious cucumber/lemon water as an alternative to soda and sports drinks.
Additionally, the Library Technicians enhanced the program with storytelling, movies and exciting Bingo games!
“I love coming to the library and spending time with my friends. It’s really good that the library is open because it gives me something fun to do instead of sit at home,” said a soon to be 5th grader at Voorhis School.
The libraries welcomed 25 to 100 visitors daily including children and parents for a variety of learning opportunities. Students completed book reports after each book they read and raffle prizes were given out daily.